Tais speaks at the Symposium “From stones to bread” at the Royal Society of Denmark.
April 27 Tais speaks at the Symposium “From stones to bread” at the Royal Society of Denmark.
from the Dahl group
April 27 Tais speaks at the Symposium “From stones to bread” at the Royal Society of Denmark.
14. june 2016. Tais speaks at the workshop on molybdenum biogeochemistry in Stockholm, arranged by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company.
Can Greenlandic rock flour help mitigating climate change in the 21st century by enhancing global silicate weathering. See program for the “From stones to bread” symposium at the Royal Society of Denmark.
The Carlsberg Foundation supports infrastructure for a new Geobiology Laboratory, which we will establish in 2016-2018 at NHM Copenhagen.
Nov 19: Tais speaks at the Stellar Astrophysics Center, Aarhus University