Publication List Tais W. Dahl

Researcher ID: G-5473-2012. ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4629-8036


A52. Sørensen AL and Dahl TW. Cascading oxygen loss shorewards in the oceans – insights from the Cambrian SPICE event. OneEarth (in press)

A51. Stockey, …, Dahl TW, et al. Multiple sustained increases in atmospheric oxygen and marine productivity through the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic Eras. Nature Geoscience (in press).


A50. Frieling J, Mather T, Fendley I, Jenkyns H, Zhao Z, Dahl TW, Bergquist B, Cheng K, Nielsen A, Dickson A. No evidence for a volcanic trigger for late Cambrian carbon cycle perturbations. Geology. 52 (1) 12–16 (2023).

A49. del Rey Á, Frýda J, Wang C, Planavsky N, Dahl TW. Mid-Ludfordian uranium isotope records distinguish the role of expansive marine anoxia in global carbon cycle dynamics during the late Silurian Lau/Kozlowskii bioevent. Global and Planetary Change 229 104248. (2023).

A48. Yuan Y, Chen T, Zhang F, Liu Y, Xiong G, Wei G, Dahl TW, Yan W, Ling H-F, Cheng H, Shen S-Z. Substantial incorporation of isotopically heavy reduced U species into marine carbonate sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 358 27-37 (2023).

D2. Dahl TW, “Origin of O2 on Earth”, in The Origins of All Things. Eds. D. Harper & O. Seeberg. Munksgaard (2023).

A47. Zhang L, Algeo TJ, Zhao L, Dahl TW, Chen Z-Q, Zhang Z, Poulton SW, Hughes NC, Gou X, Li C. Environmental and trilobite diversity changes during the middle-late Cambrian SPICE event. GSA Bull. 136 (1-2): 810–828 (2023).

A46. Zhao Z, Dickson A, Basu A, Nielsen AT, Pang X, Schovsbo NH, Dahl TW. Dynamic oceanic redox conditions across the late Cambrian SPICE event constrained by molybdenum and uranium isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 604 118013 (2023). Available online



A45. Dahl TW, Harding MAR, Brugger J, Feulner G, Norrman K, and Junium CK. Low atmospheric CO2 levels before the emergence of forested ecosystems. Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-10 (2022)

D1. Shields GA, Edgar K, Ratcliffe KT, and Dahl TW. “Chapter 6: Chemostratigraphy” in
book series “Deciphering Earth’s History: the Practice of Stratigraphy” published by the Geological Society of London. Editor: A. Coe.

A44. *del Rey Á, Rasmussen CMØ, Calner M, Planavsky N, Dahl TW. Stable ocean redox during the main phase of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Nature Communications Earth Env. Sep 2022.

A43. Wang W, Zhang F, Connelly J, Bizzarro M, Shen S-Z, Dahl TW. Uranium isotopes in Permian calcitic brachiopods and marine carbonates: validation of the global paleoredox proxy and implications for ocean oxygenation in the Permian. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

A42. Zhao Z, Thibault N, Dahl TW, Schovsbo NH, Sørensen AL, Rasmussen CMØ, Nielsen AT, Synchronizing rock clocks in the Cambrian. Nature Communications. 13. 1-13. (2022).

A41. Zhang F, Stockey RG, Xiao S, Shen S-Z, Dahl TW, Cui Y, Li Z, Anbar AD, Planavsky NJ. Uranium isotope evidence for extensive shallow water anoxia in the early Tonian oceans. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 583, (2022), 117437.

A40. Zhao Z, Ahlberg P, Thibault N, Dahl TW, Schovsbo N, Nielsen AT. High-resolution carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the middle Cambrian to lowermost Ordovician in southern Scandinavia: implications for global correlation. Global and Planetary Change. Available online. Jan 2022.


A39. Gill BC, Dahl TW, Hammarlund EU, LeRoy MA, Gordon GW, Canfield DE, Anbar AD, Lyons T. Redox dynamics of later Cambrian oceans. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol 581, Nov 2021, 110623.


A38. Halder S, Arens SKM, Jensen K, Dahl TW, Porada P. A dynamic local scale vegetation model lycophytes (LYCOm). Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. 15, 2325-2343 (2021). Link,

A37. Dahl TW, Hammarlund EU, Rasmussen CMØ, Bond DPG, Canfield DE. Shallow water euxinia during the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction – insights from coupled molybdenum and uranium isotope records. Earth-Science Reviews. 103748. (2021) Link

A36. Farrell UC, … Dahl TW, …Sperling, EA. The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project. Geobiology, 2021:00:1-12 Link

B3. Dahl TW and Arens SKM. Land plant evolution and global erosion rates: Reply to Neil S. Davies and William J. McMahon. Chemical Geology 573, 120167 (2021) Link

A35. Pan W, Cao M-C, Du Y-S, Cheng M, Zhou Y-Q, Algeo T, Zhao M-Y, Thibault N, Li C, Wei G-Y, Dahl TW. Paired U and Mo isotope evidence for widespread anoxia in the Cryogenian interglacial ocean. Precambrian Research, 361, 106244 (2021)

A34. Mehra A, Keller B, Zhang T, Tosca NJ, McLennan SM, …, Dahl TW, … Strauss JV Curation and analysis of global sedimentary geochemical data to inform Earth history, GSA Today, 31, 5, 1–9 (2021). Link


A33. Zhao H, Dahl TW, Chen Z-Q, Algeo TJ, Zhang L, Hu Z, Liu Y, Hu Z. Anomalous marine calcium cycle linked to carbonate factory change after the Smithian Thermal Maximum (Early Triassic). Earth-Science Reviews. 211, 103418 (2020).

A32. Lu X, Dahl TW, Wang Z, Wang S, Kendall B. Estimating ancient seawater isotope compositions and global ocean redox conditions by coupling the molybdenum and uranium isotope systems of euxinic organic-rich mudrocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 290, 76-103 (2020).

A31. Sørensen AL, Nielsen AT, Thibault A, Zhao Z, Schovsbo NH, Dahl TW. Astronomically forced climate cycles in the Late Cambrian. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 548, 116475. (2020). Link

A30. Livermore B, Dahl TW, Bizzarro M, Connelly JC, Uranium isotope compositions in modern biogenic carbonates and implications for the paleoocean oxygenation proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 287, 50–64 (2020). Link

A29. Del Rey A, Havsteen JC, Bizzarro M, Dahl TW. Untangling the diagenetic history of uranium isotopes inmarine carbonates: A case study tracing thed238U compositionof late Silurian oceans using calcitic brachiopod shells. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 287, 93-110 (2020). available online.

A28. Zhang F, del Rey A, Romaniello JS, Chen X, Planavsky NJ, Dahl TW, Lenton TM, Clarkson MO, Lau KV, Li Z, Zhao M, Algeo TJ, Anbar AD. Uranium isotopes in marine carbonates as a global ocean paleoredox proxy: A critical review. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 287, 27–49, (2020), Link.

A27. Dahl TW, Arens SKM. The impacts of land plant evolution on Earth’s climate and oxygenation state – An interdisciplinary review. Chemical Geology, 547, 119665 (2020). Link

A26. Cao M, Zhang F, Daines SJ, Lenton TM, Zhou Y, Dahl TW, Algeo TJ, Shi W, Anbar A, Chen Y, Shen S-Z. Comparison of Ediacaran platform and slope δ238U records in South China: Confirmation of global deep-ocean oxygenation and implications for origin of the Shuram negative δ13Ccarb excursion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, available online (2020).

A25. Zhang F, Cui Y, Zhang H, Dahl TW, Krainer K, Shen S, Anbar AD. Two distinct episodes of marine anoxia during the Permian-Triassic crisis evidenced by uranium isotopes in marine dolomites (accepted pending major revision. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, available online (2020).

A24. Zhang F, Dahl TW, Lenton TM, Luo G, Shen S, Algeo TJ, Planavsky N, Liu J, Cui Y, Qie W, Romaniello SJ, Anbar AD. Extensive marine anoxia associated with the Late Devonian Hangenberg Crisis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, available online (2020).



A23. Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Li D, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Porter S, Maloof AC, Bizzarro M. Atmosphere-ocean oxygen and productivity dynamics during early animal radiations Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (39) 19352–19361 (2019).

A22. Dahl TW, Siggard-Andersen M-L, Schovsbo N, Kjær K, Nielsen AT. Brief oxygenation events in Cambrian anoxic oceans solves the animal breathing paradox. Sci. Rep, 9, 1–9 (2019).



A21. Scheller EL, Dickson A, Canfield DE, Korte C, Kristiansen KK, Dahl TW. Ocean redox conditions between the Snowballs – geochemical constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland. Precambrian Research, pdf.

A20. Boyle RA, Dahl TW, Bjerrum CJ, Canfield DE. Bioturbation and directionality in Earth’s carbon isotope record across the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian transition. Geobiology, 2018, 1–27. pdf


A19. *Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Månsson SF, Bizzarro M. Reorganization of Earth’s biogeochemical cycles briefly oxygenated the oceans 520 Myr ago. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 3, 210–220 (2017).

A18. Dahl TW and Wirth S. Molybdenum isotope fractionation in a sulfidic lake – testing ways to discern isotope fractionation processes in euxinic sediments Chemical Geology 460, 84–92. (2017) 

A17. Kendall, B†and Dahl, TW† and Anbar, A.D. (2017) The Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Molybdenum. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 82, 683–732. pdf


A16. Dahl TW, Chappaz A, Hoek J, McKenzie C, Svane S, Canfield DE. Evidence of molybdenum interaction with particulate organic matter under sulfidic conditions. Early View pdf.

A15. Lenton T, Dahl TW, Daines S, Mills B, Ozaki K, Saltzman MR, Porada P. Earliest land plants created modern levels of atmospheric oxygen. Proc Natl Acad Sci 113, 9704–9 (2016) pdf  press (DK)

C1 Dahl TW. Identifying remnants of early Earth. Science, 352(6287): 768-769. pdf

B3. Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H, Bjerrum CJ, Hammarlund EU, Dahl TW and Canfield DE. Reply to Planavsky et al.: [strong evidence for high atmospheric oxygen levels 1400 million years ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Early edition online). pdf


A14. Boyle RA, Dahl TW, Dale A, Shields-Zhou GA, Zhu M, Brasier MD, Canfield DE, Lenton TM Stabilization of the coupled oxygen and phosphorus cycles by the evolution of bioturbation. Nature-Geoscience Published Online (2014)pdf teaser

A13. Dahl TW, Boyle RA, Canfield DE, Connelly JN, Gill BC, Lenton TM, Bizzarro M. Uranium isotopes distinguish two geochemically distinct stages during the later Cambrian SPICE event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, 313-326 (2014). pdf teaser


A12. Overballe-Petersen, Harms, Orlando, Mayar, Rasmussen, Dahl TW, Rosing, Poole, Sicheritz-Ponten, Brunak, Wackernagel, Inselmann, de Vries, Pybus, Nielsen, Johnsen, Nielsen, Willerslev. Bacterial natural transformation by highly fragmented and damaged DNA (2013). pdf

A11. Wirth SB, Gilli A, Niemann H, Dahl TW, Ravasi D, Lehmann MF, Peduzzi R, Peduzzi S, Tonolla M, and Anselmetti FS, Combining sedimentological, trace metal (Mn, Mo) and molecular evidence for reconstructing past water-column redox conditions: The example of meromictic Lake Cadagno (Swiss Alps). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 120: 220–238 (2013). pdf teaser

A10. Dahl TW, Ruhl M, Hammarlund E, Canfield DE, Rosing M, Bjerrum CJ. Tracing euxinia from elevated molybdenum concentrations in sediments using handheld x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (HH-XRF). Chemical Geology. 360-361: 241–251 (2013). pdf teaser

A9. Balslev-Clausen D, Dahl TW, Saad N, Rosing, MT. Precise and accurate d13C analysis of rock samples using Flash Combustion-Cavity Ring Down Laser Spectroscopy. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 28(4): 516-523 (2013). front cover pdf teaser

A8. Dahl TW, Chappaz A, Fitts JP, Lyons TW, 2013. Molybdenum reduction in a sulfidic lake: Evidence from X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy and implications for the Mo paleoproxy. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 103: 213-231. pdf teaser


A7. Hammarlund EU, Dahl TW, Harper, DAT, Bond DPG, Bjerrum CJ, Bengtson S, Schovsbo NH, Schönlaub HP, Zalasiewicz JA, Canfield DE, A Sulfidic Driver for the end-Ordovician (Hirnantian) Deep-Water Extinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 331-332, 128-139 (2012). pdf teaser


A6. Dahl TW, Canfield DE., Rosing MT, Frei RE, Gordon GW., Knoll A, Anbar AD, Molybdenum abundance and isotopic evidence for expanded sulfidic water masses in ~750 Ma oceans. pdf supplement

A5. Dahl TW and Hammarlund E, Do large predatory fish track ocean oxygenation? Communicative and Integrative Biology. 4:1, 1-3 Jan/Feb 2011. pdf


B1. Dahl TW, Hammarlund EH, Anbar AD, Bond DPG, Gill BC, Gordon GW, Knoll AH, Nielsen AT, Canfield DE. Reply to Butterfield: The Devonian radiation of large predatory fish coincided with elevated atmospheric oxygen levels PNAS 107, 17911-17915 (2010). pdf

A4. Dahl TW, Hammarlund EH, Anbar AD, Bond DPG, Gill BC, Gordon GW, Knoll AH, Nielsen AT, Schovsbo NH, Canfield DE. A Devonian rise of atmospheric oxygen correlated to the radiations of terrestrial plants and predatory fish. PNAS 107, 17911-17915 (2010). pdf supplement

A3. Dahl TW and Stevenson DJ. Turbulent Mixing of Metal and Silicate during Planet Accretion – and interpretation of the Hf-W chronometer. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 295 pp. 177-186 (2010) pdf supplement pdf supplement teaser

A2. Dahl TW, Clausen AU, Hansen PB, The human impact on natural rock reserves using basalt, anorthosite, and carbonates as raw materials in insulation products, International Geology Review 53, 894–904 (2011). pdf

A1. Dahl TW, Anbar A, Gordon G, Rosing M, Frei R, Canfield DE, 2010. The behavior of molybdenum and its isotopes across the chemocline and in the sediments of sulfidic Lake Cadagno, Switzerland. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74., 144-163. pdf supplement

Theses and Study projects

2016 Lohse-Sørensen A, Alunskifer Havets bundmiljø og liv BSc thesis (Danish)
2008 Dahl TW, PhD thesis about Molybdenum isotope fractionation.
2005  Dahl TW, Master’s thesis about core formation and the age of the Moon.
2003 Dahl TW, SURF thesis about aspects of turbulent mixing in planets.
2003 Dahl TW, Magnetisme på Mars, bachelor’s thesis (Danish)

Teaching material

2012 Dahl T. W., Kock B., + scientific playground team PlanetCards for Apple iPhone/iPod.
2011 Dahl, T.W., Leer K., Pagh M. Planetkort 2nd ed. Forlaget Meloni. ISBN 978-87-92505-57-6
2008 Jensen F., Dahl, T.W., Leer K., Pagh M. Planetkort lærervejledning. Geografforlaget
2007 Dahl, T.W., Leer K.L., Pagh M. Planetkort. Geografforlaget ISBN: 978-87-7702-522-8