Eva and Tais are presenting at this year’s Goldschmidt conference:

07j: 210, Wednesday @ 09:45 – 10:00

Ocean Redox Conditions between the Snowballs – Geochemical Constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland

Eva L. Scheller with Alex J. Dickson AJ, Donald E. Canfield, Christoph Korte, Kasper K. Kristiansen & Tais W. Dahl.


10l: 206, Wednesday @ 16:00 – 16:15

Invited: Molybdenum Burial with Organic Matter in Sulfidic Settings.

Tais W. Dahl


07j, 210, Tuesday AM, PM and Wednesday AM, Session 07j: 

From Formation to Preservation: Reconstructing Paleo-Ocean Chemistry Using Laboratory, Mineralogical, Molecular, Elemental, and Isotopic Proxies

Tais W. Dahl will be chairing the session with Philip Pogge von Strandmann, Jeremy Owens, Chris Siebert, Sümeyyia Eroglu and Colleen Hansel.